Another Word For Poker Face
Definition of poker face in the dictionary. Meaning of poker face. What does poker face mean? Information and translations of poker face in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Hands which are naturals in blackjack: any ace with any face or ten. Hands whose numeric total is 11: 9-2, 8-3, 7-4, 6-5. (In blackjack, such hands are very good for players.) Omaha slang. Omaha slang is not as well developed as Texas Hold'em. Synonyms for poker-faced. Poker Face Another Word US online casinos and the laws that pertain to USA players. This guide was created and developed by experienced gamblers who are also industry insiders, providing you with perspectives Poker Face Another Word from both the player’s and the professional’s point of view. When the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) became a reality in 2006, it changed the online casino USA industry. Fortunately Poker Face Synonyms for American casino Poker Face Synonyms fans regulation is on its way, and if you live in a regulated state you have plenty of options. Here at CasinoTop10, you'll find an extensive list of casinos which have been tested and approved.
1An impassive expression that hides one's true feelings.
‘In Europe and North America, these display rules encourage vivid facial expressions of emotion; a poker face is generally regarded as dull or deceptive.’- ‘Scott hid his grin behind a poker face - something he'd learned from Johnny.’
- ‘When we express our goodwill, we usually use a smile or a welcoming expression, not just a political poker face.’
- ‘He looked like he was brooding, but was hiding it behind the perfect poker face.’
- ‘Without comment, he took the two cards he needed, hiding his contempt behind his poker face.’
- ‘When he told me, I kept my poker face, but my insides went away.’
- ‘He kept a poker face, reported the facts, and protected his sources.’
- ‘My question is, when you know the contestant is giving you the wrong answer and a lot of money is at stake, how do you keep your poker face?’
- ‘‘Now you're sure you know the rules’ I asked them over the top of my glasses with my sternest poker face.’
- ‘Maguire walks this line with great skill and an unbelievable poker face.’
- ‘He called his boss at the forwarding company ‘stoneman,’ because his boss has a poker face.’
- ‘Does he regularly practice his poker face in front of the mirror?’
- ‘Students usually keep a poker face because they don't want to be called on.’
- ‘It's a poker face that's required in this game, and I've never been much good at cards.’
- ‘The joy of it is in the sweat and butterflies, the clamped lips and steely eyes of the poker face.’
- ‘‘Done,’ he said simply, sporting his best poker face.’
- ‘‘Well,’ putting on her best poker face, Jennifer continued.’
- ‘Years of practice in maintaining a poker face allowed him to take in his stride the invasion of his office by young women in light, summer dresses and a tale about one of them digging up a fortune while creating a winter herb garden.’
- ‘The thing is, I still have to put my poker face up.’
- ‘My hands shook from fear but I kept my poker face.’
- 1.1A person with a poker face.
(pluralpoker faces)
- (poker) An impassive facial expression cultivated to prevent other players from determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand, or of bluffing.
- Though he thought he had a perfect poker face, he had a number of tells his opponents soon learned.
- Any similar expression used to prevent giving away one's motives, feelings, or situation.
- A person who has a poker face
Derived terms[edit]
Another Word For Poker Faces